In this picture above, the intended audience that they are targeting are whole citizens of Malaysia between the age ranges from 15 to 30 because the color that they used on the logo and mascot is yellow. Yellow represents the feeling of young, active, mature and etc. Therefore their target audiences suit the personality of the color. The massage that is stated above brings the meaning of no matter there are different ethnic between everyone, whether it is race, culture, or religion but the people of Malaysia do not discriminate each other and stand united as one together under one united country. So whenever there are difficulties occur in either one of the race, the others will stand up together and help to solve the difficulties to make the country a better peace. Besides, the cultural assumption or codes that are called during reading the text are telling everyone to recognize or identify the three main telecommunication service provider that are available in Malaysia as rivals. Because these two rivals are the main competitor of this service provider. For example, if they were requested to answer a question like ‘Name the two top rivals of DiGi? So the answer should be Maxis and Celcom.
On the other hand, the background does represent important information to support the main text and the object showed in the picture. So the background is trying to inform or show the information as knowledge towards Malaysia’s three main telco service providers (DiGi, Maxis and Celcom) and also three main races (Malay, Chinese, and Indian). Therefore the text in the picture do constructs a situation where shows the unity with the top three service provider companies in Malaysia. These three companies do have their own different services, packages, target users, ways of operating the system and these three are the rivals between each other until the end of the world and it is very hard for them to even cooperate or collaborate in any circumstances. Therefore in the picture above shows the three mascots from three different companies sit down together and enjoy the moment together. This shows no matter how big the difference they are especially how competitive they are, they still stand united together as Malaysia’s main telco service provider in serving and making Malaysia into a better and more advanced country. Not only do that, the text also reflects the unity between the three main ethnics in Malaysia that is Malay, Chinese and Indian. These three ethnics are totally different in many sections such as religions, cultures, backgrounds and even lifestyles yet they have the ability to stand united as citizen of Malaysia that is dedicated to serve the country and make it a difference.
From the picture, it tells everyone that it is impossible for the three companies to stand unite as they are the rivals against each other and the 1Malaysia’s unity is impossible to achieve by them too. Besides, the other alternative reading would be stating that unity will only happen during Independence Day which is located at Dataran Merdeka where everyone with different background with stand out together and watch the history and development of Malaysia. So this will influence the citizen to think that after the main event happened, everyone will not be united together. People might also think that DiGi Company dominates the whole country’s telecommunication includes Maxis and Celcom, as where the Yellowman is shown much bigger in size compare the other two mascots in the picture. Another alternative reading in the text shows that DiGi was the one who starts to unite the both other service provider as shown in the picture where he puts his both arms on top of each rivals.
Besides, this text has as not been read extensively outside the intended audience or others that are not related to this message at all. This is because the text are more related towards the main service providers and in Malaysia there are only these few service providers and therefore it is impossible for this text to be read extensively outside the intended audience. From this text, we can see that there are many other words than can be influenced by this text. Therefore the text that has been influenced was ‘HELP!” because once either one of the service provider are having difficulties to catch up with each other, so there will be a misunderstanding occur between each of them and they will start to seek help in order to help them to solve a problem.
Recently, if the citizens of Malaysia were eventually become not united and unity has fallen, people might think that the think that the text's meaning would be like what we had stated in the alternate reading, which is a fake unity, a unity impossible to achieve. If unity is achieved and people are standing united together, regardless of our differences, the text plays the role of bringing the message of 1 Malaysia. Besides that, it might be a symbol or a sign of pride as we are proud to be a united nation. It too gives people the new impression of unity in its diversity and dedication to serve the country even though Malaysians are different in race, religions and languages. It taught us about unity could be achieved although seem impossible. Unity does not necessary meant that we have to be alike. People from different walks of life, different religions and cultures might be able to support each others weaknesses and build up a strong and unite country.
From the text, we understand that we play an important role of forging a better future and nation for our future generation. The current unity might be good but it's shaky and still full of flaws. Even though we Malaysians diverse in numerous ways, however, we dedicated ourselves in bringing this country to a better future.
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