Wednesday, June 29, 2011

WEEK 3 : What is Index and Symbol in Semiotics?

According to Pierce. An index is a meaning based upon some cause and effect relationship (for example, a weathervane carries certain meaning because of the wind): "Because the indexical sign is understood to be connected to the real object, it is capable of making that object conceptually present."

I'm not very sure about the definition, but from what I can understand, index in semiotic brings the meaning of a meaning or a sign which is made by creating an effect relationship. For example, smoke signal. Smoke is a combustion of air release when something is burned. However, for people in the olden days, even nowadays, smoke could mean other things besides something is burning. Indexical sign is to be understood and people who are taught or exposed to can only than understand. The majority of traffic signs are index signs as they represent information which relates to a location. An index sign is a sign where there is a direct link between the sign and the object.

Finally, a symbol carries meaning is a purely arbitrary way - this is the way natural language carries meaning. A symbol has no logical meaning between it and the object. For example, the heart shape symbolizes love.



  1. Symbol , it is a basic shape which involves signifier & signified,each of them represent different meaning , but if we combine some of them, it can come out with another meaning ,like the male symbol and the peace symbol , we combine ti together , it come out with another new symbol,which mean peace boy.

    Index,which also means indication, about this , from what i understand , different symbol can have different meaning based on the audience background,culture and their religion , for a example : for Chinese , red is a good color which mean prosperity and wealth, but it may hv different from another person who are from different background.

    As a conclusion , every semiotic can be different meaning to different based on their background.

  2. Symbols, they are very important in our daily life, we are using it everyday without realizing it . A T-shirt can stand for clothing department in shopping , but in map it may stands for shopping center, different symbol stand for different meaning depends on the situation.

  3. In my opinion symbols in semiotic conveys many meanings. As we all know semiotic is the study of signs and signs can be viewed in many different angles. Certain signs carry certain meanings and it is very subjective depending to one’s belief or culture or even ways of living. For example, a jargon from an unrelated culture can be interpreted differently. For instance, in Malaysia we state ‘Air Mata’ as tears, however in Singapore they refer to it as one’s girlfriend. This clearly shows how symbols can be used to generate many meanings.

  4. Symbol is use to represent something. For instance, a leaf drawing may represents a nature. but it is for sure that no body have the same meaning.
